XFCC & Mobile App

XFCC (XML web services for correspondence chess) is a way for third-party applications to access the server. There are many XFCC applications for PC users and mobile phone users.

Your Move Correspondence Chess Mobile App

This is a Mobile Phone App written by Asim Pereira. It has both FREE and PRO versions. The free version contains ads, but is quite suitable to be used by our members for AIWCF server. You can get the list of your ongoing games on your mobile phone. On clicking one of the games in the list, a graphical board appears allowing you to make your move.

For AIWCF members who want to make their moves from a mobile phone it is quite convenient. However there are some limitations (given later on this page).

Installing Your Move

You can download this app to your phone from Play Store

Using Your Move

Fig 1Fig 2

On the login screen (Fig 1), type your AIWCF Serial Number in the id/username field and your password in the password field, select AIWCF from the drop-down list of servers and touch Login.

After login you will see a list of your games (Fig 2). First will be the games where it is your move. After that, the games where it is not your move will be listed (gray background). In this example the player has 2 games. In the first, he has Black and it is his move after the opponent moved 4.g3. In the second he has White and is waiting for the opponent to reply after 6.Nc3.

Fig 3Fig 4

On touching a game where it is your move, the position in the game will be displayed (Fig 3). Make your move on the board (Fig 4) and then touch the Send symbol which is in the top line of the screen.

Fig 5

A confirmation window will popup (Fig 5). Type a message to the opponent (or leave blank) and touch the CONFIRM button. (If you want to offer a draw, you can tick Offer draw before touching CONFIRM).

Limitations of Your Move and other XFCC apps

A third party app cannot perform all the functions of AIWCF server. Please login to AIWCF server from your web browser for these functions:

XFCC Apps on PC/Laptop

There are some apps available on PC platform, like SCID and Aquarium which allow you to send correspondence chess moves They can be used for AIWCF, ICCF, Afro-Asia-World and other servers. Below we explain how to use these tools.

Caution: If you are using any such tool for your Engine Forbidden games, make doubly sure to turn off its engine.

Using XFCC in SCID vs PC

SCID vs PC is a free chess database program. If you are using the program SCID vs PC (SCID stands for Shane's Chess Information Database), the steps to setup and make moves on AIWCF are outlined below:

Start SCID. Click File→New. Provide a name such as MyAIWCFGames. Click  Save .

Click Windows→Maintenance Window. Click the magnifying glass and set the Data base type to Correspondence chess. Close the Maintenance Window.

Click Windows→Correspondence Window. Click Correspondence Chess→Configure

Click ... alongside Default Database. Navigate to C:\Scid vs PC-4.21\bin\data\MyAIWCFGames.si4. Click Configure.

Set the Server Name to AIWCF, the Login Name to your Serial Number, the Password to your password, the Xfcc-URL to http://AIWCF-chess.com/xfcc.php and the Rating type to Elo. Finally click OK. Close the Configure Correspondence Chess Window by clicking OK.

In the further steps, keep both Board and Correspondence Chess windows open. In the Correspondence Chess window click the icon: "Fetch games from the server and process the Inbox" (marked Click this in the figure above).

The games list will be fetched from AIWCF server and displayed.

Click one of the games in the list and it will be displayed in the Board window. Make your move on the board. If you want, you can include a message to the opponent by adding a comment to the game using Comment Editor.

Now, in the Correspondence Chess window click the "Send Move" icon (marked Click here in the picture above).

A confirmation window will pop up. Click Yes and the move and message (if any) will be sent to AIWCF server.

Using XFCC in Aquarium

ChessOK Aquarium is an advanced chess software that includes connectivity to servers for Correspondence Chess. (Do not use for Engine Forbidden games, unless you turn off all engines).

First you have to make sure to include the module for Correspondence Play as an external program.

Then you have to set up the server details and click Get Games List. On clicking a particular game, it shows up on the board. Make your move and click Make Move.