Email reminders are sent to players in Normal rate-of-play games. No reminders are sent in Rapid and Blitz games. Emails are sent by the server, however there can be problems in this process sometimes. Players are requested to monitor the games by visiting their Games List Page rather than relying on reminders. When games are lost by Silence or Time Limit, they will not be re-started due to non-receipt of reminders.
There are 3 types of reminders: First Reminder, Second Reminder and Time Critical Reminder.
First Reminder
The First Reminder email is sent when a player has not moved for 14 days. The reminder is sent irrespective of any leave days during the period. If you took leave during the period, then please visit your Games List Page to obtain an accurate number of elapsed days, as applicable for Silence and Time Limit rules.
The First Reminder Email looks like this:
This is a First Reminder from AIWCF Chess Server to 575:Kumar Subham on 24.11.2017 You have not moved since 14 days in 4616 Shams Khan-Kumar Subham .Last move 24.Qxf5 on 10.11.2017 (If you were on leave, the elapsed days would be less, check your games page)
Second Reminder
The Second Reminder email is sent when a player has not moved for 30 days. The reminder is sent irrespective of any leave days during the period. If you took leave during the period, then please visit your Games List Page to obtain an accurate number of elapsed days, as applicable for Silence and Time Limit rules.
An example of a Second Reminder is given below:
This is a Second Reminder from AIWCF Chess Server to 8:C.Mohanachandran on 17.11.2017 You have not moved since 30 days in 4612 C.Mohanachandran-Shyam Challapally .Last move 6...e6 on 17.10.2017 (If you were on leave, the elapsed days would be less, check your games page)
Time Critical Reminder
This is a Time Critical Reminder from AIWCF Chess Server to 280:Amit Kumar Sharma on 09.11.2017 You have not moved since 2 days in 4618 Amit Kumar Sharma-Dilshad Kausar .Last move 8...a5 on 06.11.2017 (If you were on leave, the elapsed days would be less, check your games page)