Three ICCF Games
Ambar Chatterjee

Here I present 3 recent ICCF games which are eventful, but are not included in the Games Section

Game 1: An Experiment That Went Wrong

Om Prakash sent the following game where he tried an opening line which was stored in his personal book. Nowadays, it is very difficult to win a game in ICCF even against a player rated 100 points lower. It is an attempt to stay away from a drawish main line. However the experiment failed completely with the opponent completely refuting the idea.

Notes are by Om Prakash

Game 2: Arnab Sengupta Holds

Arnab Sengupta writes, “Managed to draw this. Was in a difficult position in the beginning.“

Game 3: Ambar Chatterjee Becomes Correspondence Chess Master
Sometimes to draw a game is important, and in this case it brought me to the milestone of a second CCM norm thereby confirming the title of ICCF Correspondence Chess Master. The event is 4th Africa Asia Team Championship Board 2 and I played in it specifically to see if I could get my title. The target was to score 5 points from 8 games. My strategy was not to press too hard, but make sure of not losing any game. Just 2 wins would be sufficient. 3 players defaulted and one exceeded the time limit. ICCF rules specify that defaulting players should be replaced, otherwise norms could change. No replacement was found for Indonesia A player CCM Ida Viktor and the game was on hold for a long time. After writing to the TD (Akkaraju, Sailesh Chandra) the game was finally scored. I had been able to draw the games against the 3 leading players. The game against CCE Suyoto, Suyoto (Indonesia B) was not going well. I had a minus position after a Sicilian Najdorf Classical/Opocensky Variation. In the skirmish during moves 18-27, White emerged a pawn up in a Rooks and Pawns endgame. However, I figured that it was possible to hold the game. On move 33 the pawn was recovered and on the next move I offered a draw which was accepted. I now got a message from ICCF that I had made it to the CCM title. There is still one ongoing game, which I expect to win. So I will reach 6 points. Here is the game that I drew to clinch the title.