Editor Speaks
This is the second issue of AICCF Bulletin 2024.
Omprakash Mohanty gives his selection of 20 best game moves ever played. It is a healthy mix of 21st century computer games along with 20th century masterpieces. Several of these games are well-known for ages but a few such as Gusev-Averbakh, Simagin- Bronstein, Sosonko-Rivas, Espig-Moehring, etc. are less likely to be known.
Sailesh Chandra has provided yet another interesting article titled Thinking like an Engine-Part 3. This time theme is King Tropism. You may scream what is that! Please read the article to discover more.
KVL Narayana has written on a colourful versatile personality GM Jim Plaskett. AIWCF President Dr. Chatterjee has provided a Beginner’s corner on the classic Knight vs Bishop duel in the endgame.
H.P. Chavan instructs us how to play correctly against the pawn Isolani.
This edition has an interesting endgame study on Study-like games by Umesh P. Narendran. An interesting study-like game position of CCM Gautam De is also featured from Chess 960 semi-finals.
Chess Tidbits includes several recent events such as the 45th Olympiad, changes in the World Championship match, Perfect 10 scores in Chess, Sinquefield Cup results, Speed Chess winners, etc.
A short writeup about late GM Dueckstein and late GM Zenon Franco is given in the Obituaries chapter.
Looking forward to your comments and wishing our Readers a very Happy New Year 2024 and a wonderful year ahead!
Sincerely Yours,
Anil Anand
Bulletin Editor